Monday, January 28, 2008

69er, 96er, 55er...

What ever. I like the two wheel diameters, at the same time on opposite ends of my bike. The rigid fork wasn't all that bad either even with my gimpy wrists. Rode the ss Friday on trails for the first time in quite a while. I feel like I have been cheating on her with my geared bike. The gears defiantly make snow riding a lot more fun and easier. I would rather ride up hill than walk. The trails here in Elkins are not very ss friendly, especially in the winter. Maybe soon Mandi and I will be living some place with more ss friendly trails. Isn't it amazing how well mtbers get along. It doesn't matter what kind of bike you like to ride. Rigid, 5" dually, ss, uni cycle, it doesn't matter. We all have one common interest, a love of bikes and being in the woods. I wish the rest of the world could find that one common interest and come together under a banner of peace and understanding. There are far to many divisive issues in the World. Religion, race, political party, all issues that are devised to create divides among people. On a molecular level WE are all the same.

peace, JOEY.

1 comment:

Frank said...

So where are you looking to move? We could use a mechanic again...