Monday, December 31, 2007
New Years Ride...Early
Mandi and I had our 55th annual New Years ride early this year for a couple reasons. 1) more peoples could participate if it was on a sunday. 2) the weather is going to be shitty on New Years day. 5 riders took part in the burly ride: John "chainsaw" Weber, JJ "dynomite" Ford, Mike Bo-yes, Mandi and I. 3 single speeds 1 fixy and john. 3 29" front wheels and 5 26" back wheels. 55ish miles covered in 4.5 hours. big climbs, little climbs, medium climbs, and some climbs. Afterwards Mandi and I whipped up some homemade pizza and some organic brew. A good time was had by all but a better time was had by some.
peace, JOEY.
Sad News...
Peace, JOEY.
ps: I would be remiss in not thanking Gene for providing me with a Dream job for the last 6 years. It was a great learning experience full of life changing challenges. So without further ado: thank you Gene. Sincerly, Joey.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Snow,Slush,Ice,Rain but no Sun...
Had my last Dr visit yesterday... drum roll... I AM COMPLETELY HEALED UP!!!! 8 weeks ahead of schedule. Now its time to rebuild some strength and work on flexibility and start thinking about racing next year. I am stoked. I defiantly wasn't done hurting this year when my season was abruptly ended. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and well wishes. I guarantee all the positive energy went along way in helping speed my recovery.
peace. JOEY.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
mandi's new blog
This is a blog about the things that consume my life when i'm not riding.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
HIstory Lesson V.1
peace and love. joey.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Two steps closer
Sunday and Wednesday were exciting days for JOEY and I. We ventured out to the forest and rode some gated forest service roads. Even a little single track. JOEY was still riding strong. A little slower on the downhills but that is just what he needs to be doing. A wreck now could really set him back. On Wednesday we converted my Vicious ss Monolith into a 29 -26. Wow, I loved it! I think on one ride I'm hooked. Now what? I borrowed this wheel and tire, so now it looks like a new wheel and tire will be needed REAL soon. Can I go back to suspension? 26"? I love my bike set us like this. oSo much more confidence on the downhills. More momentum on rolly trails and didn't feel any slower on the climbs. And it fits. Being 5'2" we had to make too many compromises to ride a 29er. This worked great though. Can't wait to get out to ride more single track. Hopefully soon. take a look.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
What is a chemtrail?
Why are THEY spraying these? weather manipulation, population control, or any number of other reasons i hear everyday. why are these always in an x or parallel to each other? Have you ever noticed these are not the same as the condensation trail that usually follows a plane that disappears in a few minutes? These don't disappear quickly. They spread making clouds. What are they spraying? Do some research! scary stuff. google chemtrail or visit
think about it. more to come on
Monday, November 19, 2007
3 M's 1 B and a J
JOEY'S wonderful self image, LOVELY!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sunday Ride...
true dat!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION - Radical Change Taking Root
My New Years Resolution starting early. Grow your own.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
American WARNING
i do not want to live in a military state. if you don't want to vote for ron paul. the WV primary is just around the corner as are many other primaries through out the country. change your party affiliation if you have to, mandi and i did. ron paul is the real deal and the last hope for america. peace and love. joey.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Rail Trailin...
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
check out:
the world is changing and its not for the better. we all need to be aware and resist. bikes and adventures are fun but there are way more important things in life. if we all want to enjoy our bikes and enjoy life for years to come we must band together and not let our liberties and rights be striped away. please watch, read, and educate yourself. knowledge is power.
peace and love. joey.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Lies, more lies - time to get mad, time to rise
i am made as hell and i am not going take this any more. peace. joey.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
a little set back from a good thing...
Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
take action...
the hike of 5 snakes...
timbukto mountain. pic from mandi's ride on saturday. lucky cows.
Friday, October 19, 2007
New shoes...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Weepies, Deb Talan, Steve Tannen - Painting by Chagall
I love The Weepies. Deb Talan is amazing.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Think for yourself...
Watch just a few minutes... or the whole thing. Make up your own mind. The official story just does not match up.
911 ripple effect.
Invasion of the Police State (USA)
we are living in an increasingly facist and tyrannical country. if you do not believe it open your eyes. pay attention, be observant, even in your local communites. knowledge is power. educate yourselves about what is going on in this country(world). the internet is a powerful educational tool. use it why you still have the right. peace and love. joey.
Ron Paul: A New Hope
a real canidate not a corporate schill like all the others. its not about democrat or republican anymore its about right and wrong, good and evil. ron paul deserves a look no matter what devisive political group you are affilated with. please watch. joey.
Monday, October 15, 2007
do you know who Codex is?